Opaque content in Mud chunks

Mud is opaque (like mud), so the information in the chunk cannot be read.

These chunks represent encrypted user data, such as Lit or Ref or Meta. Depending on key material and previous actions the readable contents may be available, and/or the opaque bytes that represent its online appearance. In terms of the class, there is (readable) content and muddled (or opaque) byte sequences.

CBOR. When muddled content is flattened out into CBOR for a KIP Document, only the muddled bytes are included. The optional content is meant for in-memmory user operations on the data.

The file holds the following CBOR array for the Mud chunk with tag 3 and a key number like 123:

[ 3, 123, b'\xa6\xbb...\x08' ]

Keys. Throughout the KIP Document, key numbers play an important role. They may or may not be usable in the present context, but their numbers are still used everywhere.

Keys represent the potential to encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify. Without keys, these operations will fail. The idea of KIP Document is to do this elegantly, and try for example if readable content is available after loading a Mud chunk and running kip_down over the entire KIP Document. Note that you may still work on the remaining content if you like.

Keys and their numbers are introduced by preceding chunks of type KeyMud, TabKey, SvcKeyMud or PubKey. They vary in the work that needs to be done, but invariably the output is a new key with a new key number. The example used below is a key number 123, which is assumed introduced beforehand by one of these operations.

Note that only one key is permitted to encode and decode a Mud chunk. That may sound minimalistic, but it is enough, thanks to the KeyMud chunk which can take in various keys and map them to another one. This allows "translations" of key identity, including the possibility of multiple other keys zooming in on one intermediate key. Since this idea of "key mapping" is available as a generic facility in KIP (and in KIP Documents), there is not use in also doing it in the Mud chunk.

Code. New instances can be created from content or from muddled content. Since the content is encased in a Let, Ref or Meta object, the difference with muddled content from byte strings is very clear.

keynr = 123
lit1 = Lit ('Hello Hot World')
mud1 = Mud (keynr, lit1)
assert mud1.got_clarity ()
assert not mud1.got_muddled ()

The mud1 object has no muddled content yet. This is created during kip_up or it may be ordered for this individual object:

mud1.muddle_content ()
doc.append (mud1)
assert got_clarity ()
assert mud1.got_muddled ()

The opposite operation would be to clarify_content(). There are operations to change one of the values, as a way of editing, and thereby remove the other. Just like testing for either value is possible, so is it possible to fetch it:

mud2 = Mud (keynr, mud1.get_muddled ())
mud2.clarify_content ()

This last portion raises an exception: Please perform a Kip up first. If you're a good athlete, you know what to do. Otherwise, just continue along with us.

doc.kip_up (VerboseInteractor ())

The cause of the exception is that we have no encrypted content in this KIP Document doc yet. By invoking doc.kip_up() the encryption would be triggers.


We have not yet provided a key to doc, nor did we indicate the Mud should use it. And so we may do a Kip Up, and get a reponse with no failures, but also with no successes. It needs keys do do key-ish things!

So we need to insert a key in the document before our mud1 object, then run a Kip Up, and only then can we continue.

How to insert a key is explained on the TabKey page, it is not helpful to iterate that here, not without explanation.